Au-dent-Nature Ultra

Material: Zirconium oxide (ZrO2)
Sector: Medical Technology

Diameter: 99-1mm Colors:
  • White (opaque)
  • A1, A2, A3, A3,5
  • B1, B2, B3, B4
  • C1, C2, C3, C4
  • D2, D4″
Heights: 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25 mm

Diameter: 99-1mm


  • A2, A3
  • B1, B2, B3, B4

Heights: 14, 18, 22 mm


– Flexural strength: class 5 according to EN ISO 6872:2015 > 1200 MPa
– Translucence: Extra
– Suitable for: Monolithic ceramics for dental prostheses including partially or fully veneered frameworks for four or more pontics or fully veneered frameworks for dental prostheses with four or more pontics.
– Stump covering capacity: Good
– Layering capability: Yes
– Full contour of monolithic work: Yes
– Indications: Au-dent materials are suitable for the fabrication of dental prostheses in the form of crowns and bridges (as copings, pontics, and in fully anatomical design with up to two pontics in the posterior region and up to four pontics in the anterior region), even including continuous beams, telescopes, Maryland bridges, inlays, onlays, and free-end bridges (with up to two pontics).
This is only an overview. The specific instructions enclosed with each round blank are definitive.

Our zirconium for all applications

With Au-dent ULTRA NATURE, our blanks are suitable for almost any restoration. Its 45% translucency and class 5 flexural strength according to EN ISO 6872:2015 > 1200 MPa covers many restorations from veneers to 16-unit bridges. These round blanks are available in 16 standard shades* (starting Fall 2023) and in a range of heights.

MultiShade – polychromatic blanks

With Au-dent MultiShade, different color intensities are used in a single blank, based on a color variant. This allows imitation of the color gradient of a natural tooth (with a darker shade at the neck of the tooth that gradually becomes lighter towards the incisal edge of the tooth). The layers can differ in terms of optical light transmission, with the fused layer having the highest transmission value and thus appearing the most transparent. The dentin layer, on the other hand, appears most opaque due to the lowest light transmission value.